Environmental Division

C & G Container’s Environmental Division is one of the largest of its kind in the United States. Since 1992, C & G Containers has been dedicated in providing certified pre-clean glass and plastic containers using automated washing procedures and in adherence with C & G Containers’ Quality Assurance Program.

C & G Container’s Environmental Division utilizes the EPA document, “Specifications and Guidance for Contaminant-Free Sample Containers”, (December 1992), as its guidance for operations. This document is from the Offices of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Washington, DC 20460 (EPA 540/R-93/051, PB93-963316) Directive # 9240.0-05A. C & G has improved on this directive by expanding the analyte lists and reducing the required quantitation limits used to define the specifications for maximum trace contamination for certified pre-clean containers.

Our staff has gained an enormous amount of experience through countless technical changes since 1992 and has added personnel with over 75 years of applied analytical laboratory experience to enhance and strengthen the cleaning application procedures, procedures in chemical preservations, and the implementation of controls throughout the operation. C & G Container’s in-house technical staff can provide assistance for a wide variety of analytical applications. What distinguishes C & G Containers is our product quality, our availability, our responsive actions, and our Quality Assurance program.



C & G Containers, Inc. currently occupies nearly 75,000 square feet of warehouse space for raw bulk container space, office space, and our Packaging Division. The Pre-clean Container Division is housed in 30,507square foot location which includes clean storage of product prior to shipping.

C & G CONTAINER’S PRE-CLEAN operation performs or provides the following:

  • Certificate’s of Analysis and a Cleaning Protocol form for each product cleaned are included in each case.
  • Four;semi-automated cleaning systems  for each of C & G’s cleaning protocols.
    • Protocol A – Extractable Organics (Semivolatiles, Pesticides and PCBs), Metals and select Inorganics
    • Protocol B – Purgeable Organics (Volatile organic compounds + TICs)
    • Protocol C – Inorganics (Select List)
  • Custom cleaning for delicate and trace sensitive containers.
  • Color closures/caps (Red, Green, White) are provided for non-preserved vials or to differentiate preserved vials. A variety of inscribed colored stickers are available for any container with the contained chemical.
  • For EPA Method 5035, an automated “Bar Code” system prints out waterproof/non-tear “Bar Code” stickers which includes initial weight measurements (as required), specific identification numbers and field identification spaces. All preliminary weight and sample identification information may be provided electronically by e-mail, by disc, or by fax.
  • Cleaned products are staged in areas away from outside contamination influences.
  • After hours “Answering Service” 7 days/week.
  • Seminars by our technical staff are available for container usage and EPA method applications.
  • C & G’s Environmental and Pharmaceutical Technical Advisor and CHMM are on call 24/7.